
Welcome everyone to our  site! This site contains  information about Nepal Shilajit,  different products of Shilajit and key persons behind it.

Shilajit literally  means “winner of Rocks”. It is also interpreted as the “Destroyer of Weakness and the Builder of Strength” . Shilajit, the miracle of Himalayas, is found in the pristine mountains of Nepal. In the summer months baking under the hot sun, the mineral pitch oozes from cracks and fissures of the rocky landscape as Shilajit.

Shilajit has been used to treat a variety of diseases in Ayurveda. In Charaka(200 BC) and Susruta Samhita (200 AD). It has been described as a panacea as well as RASAYANA (rejuvenative) which can cure all ailments and prolongs the life18.

Recent studies have revealed Shilajit is naturally adorned with several medicinal properties. The natural elixir has an adaptogenic property which increases the cells ability to absorb nutrients including many important trace elements. Moreover, it is proved to be as an antioxidant which counteracts free radicals. Similarly, It has many beneficial effects in human systems and helps to maintain the homeostasis in body.

Nepal Shilajit (Mumiyo) is purified following traditional Ayurveda method; we do not use organic solvent to purify, we use only pure water and herbal decoction.

Shilajit is found in Nepal and also in few other countries  but the source of the highest quality Shilajit (Mumiyo) is considered to be of Nepal Himalayas where the people are involved in collection, purification and use of Shilajit from time immemorial.

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